Hi all, I have a few questions and things i need to work out here. I recently upgraded from the new Object Desktop 9 offer for 20.00


It basically says it includes this below

    *  WindowBlinds
    * IconPackager
    * DesktopX
    * DeskScapes
    * SkinStudio
    * MyColors

When you purchase Object Desktop, you automatically get a 1-year subscription to, You not only get all of the features Object Desktop has today, but access to all of the Object Desktop's features for the next year.

Ok, Heres my questions...

I installed but unfortunately i had to reformat my computer (which is pretty new anyways but) because of other reason, so im starting fresh and need / want to know this before i try and re-install this update package again.


1st: Should i uninstall my version of Windowblinds 6.+ before i try and install this upgraded version throught the impulse link that came in the receipt ??


2: I notced when i tried to install the first time, that a couple of them was already free. So why would i want to pay that and upgrade to something that i could get for free anyways ? Example. The icon one, once i install it throught impulse, it only told me it was the free version. Not a better paid version which it should be as that is what i paid this for. Plus a couple others like Mycolors. ??


3: How do i go about getting my subscip for the link above it says i get ? Plus also said i get free thtemes included for all of the above , Mycolor themes and DesktopX etc etc... Where are those at or how do i go about picking them or getting them ??


4: Basically, how do i install ALL this corrctly to get the upgraded versions correctly that i paid for and not the free versions ?


I will leave it at that for now, even thought there is a couple more things and issues. By the way, I am good at all this and been around for a while but, just seems wierd and doesnt seem right or something. So anyways yeah, i will basically understand you good when replied to. Just all the new ways of downloading / installing is different and not to use to that yet. Plus as said, the above issues with it so far.





Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 01, 2009

1st: Should i uninstall my version of Windowblinds 6.+ before i try and install this upgraded version throught the impulse link that came in the receipt ??


2: I notced when i tried to install the first time, that a couple of them was already free. So why would i want to pay that and upgrade to something that i could get for free anyways ? Example. The icon one, once i install it throught impulse, it only told me it was the free version. Not a better paid version which it should be as that is what i paid this for. Plus a couple others like Mycolors. ??


You must uninstall the free/trial versions and reboot, then try installing the full versions in impulse.


Impulse lists the free mycolors themes as well as lists the Subscriber skins for Object desktop.


Other free skins are located within the galleries here on WC.

on Mar 02, 2009


1st: Should i uninstall my version of Windowblinds 6.+ before i try and install this upgraded version throught the impulse link that came in the receipt ??


2: I notced when i tried to install the first time, that a couple of them was already free. So why would i want to pay that and upgrade to something that i could get for free anyways ? Example. The icon one, once i install it throught impulse, it only told me it was the free version. Not a better paid version which it should be as that is what i paid this for. Plus a couple others like Mycolors. ??


You must uninstall the free/trial versions and reboot, then try installing the full versions in impulse.


Impulse lists the free mycolors themes as well as lists the Subscriber skins for Object desktop.


Other free skins are located within the galleries here on WC.



I do not have any free or trail versions installed. All i have / had at the moment was Windows Blinds 6 (paid version). That is the one i am talking about or asking if i should uninstall.. The install it all through the new Impulse way ??

Or will it even offer Windows blinds newer version since i was just upgrading and thats why i got the deal was because i already had one part of it being Windows blinds 6 ??


As i said, but when i installed Impulse, All the ones it offered me or gave me was titled as "free" or avalible" once installed then they would say it was the free versions. Like Iconpackager and a couple other. When really as part of this above package shouldnt be the free version it should be the paid version being installed.


Also ones like Bootskin pro when i tried to install it in Impulse, it told me was not compatible with my system (windows XP Media center edition)


also as you said above, it didnt offer me the free skins (that is suppose to come with it) either. Only the 2 that automatically come with MyColors, and thats it.





on Mar 02, 2009

ahh ok I mis read. it looks to me as if impulse has not been told you purchased products... as to why you only see free items instead of full versions...

have you entered your registration info in to Impulse?

Open impulse and click the "?" located at top right, and select "Register a product with impulse",  now the window should list all registrations purchased by the account your logged in under.

If there are none showing look for a Add registration button at the bottom of the window, besure to enter your Serial # and all other information in the window that opens. Be sure to use the same email address you purchased the OBJDT sub with.. In "product category" dropdown box "  select the category of item you purchased, which would be "Desktop" in your case ,  then in the "product dropdown box". select "object desktop" once you have entered the info click "add registration button. If sucessful Impulse will update the registrations window to reflect the new registered item. as well as impulse should now offer the full versions of the OBJDT programs available..


let me know if this has fixed the problem.


As for the windowblinds question, If i remember correctly you will need to uninstall the stand alone version,reboot, then install the impulse version.

on Mar 02, 2009

Ok cool. Thxs. I will try that now. Im just not use to Impulse way of doing things. So let me check it out and see if that works. I will post back either way to let ya'll know whats up.



on Mar 05, 2009

OK, So far so good on most of it.


One other issue i just noticed.


Let me start here. So far i did all of the above, I went into Impulse and installed all ( also note: my SN numbers was already in there this time and before) but i went in and ahead and installed all. They all open so far like they are the paid versions except Bootskin pro will not install. (i used it beofre, the free version and didnt have any issues.. ) I use Windows XP

I am getting this error:

Clik for image:

Also after one program install (can not remember which one) it said i needed to reboot or course which i did, but after it restarted back up and i logged onto my main account admin profile. It had this pop up


see image:

Why ??

This and all these programs should still be able to work on any and all profiles on this computer. Just as it did before with my stand-alone windoes blinds. Plus i never ever seen this pop up before above asing me that.

on Mar 06, 2009

ohh yeah and, Now how do i get into subsciption and get the free themes that comes with this upgrade and also the MyColors free themes that it comes with. Siad something like 4 themes for free come with it for each of the said above. Plus get a discount on all other themes.


on Mar 06, 2009

Bootskin Pro is for Vista. Your MyColors themes should be showing in the " Desktop" list

on Mar 07, 2009

Plus get a discount on all other themes.

Use your browser to go to , I don't think the discounst are accessable through Impulse.  Go to the page of a theme you're interested in, about halfway down the page and towards the left side you'll see button that says "Have and Object Desktop Subscription? Click here to get the discounted price!".  Then you'll essentially log in and it'll show you the discounted price.

The branded themes (Collegiate, NBA, NHL, Rides) have been about $5 off and the others have been about $10 off.

on Mar 10, 2009

The free MyColors themes that are included with Object Desktop are added to your account automatically throughout the year of your Object Desktop Subscription.  You can buy any of the other themes at a discount by following the discount link for subscribers on the page.

on Jun 22, 2009

Thanks everybody, Sorry forgot bout this post and to say tahnk you

on Jun 22, 2009

Thanks everybody, Sorry forgot bout this post and to say tahnk you

No problemo long as everything's working fine for you....

on Jun 22, 2009

this is cool..thanks for the share!

on Jun 23, 2009

Uninstall any free stuff....from these guys.{their free stuff wont upgrade or disables upgrades}

{restart your machine}{if you have a DELL or a E-machine{turn it off}then restart it.

Remove {uninstall} any regedit programs that your currenty using.{or that are running in the background}

Do not have any virus programs running in the background..{none..Zip}or mal ware programs .

Besure... to have the latest Direct X and video drivers installed for your video card or cards.

Net.3.5 has issues with this program.. so install that after{after} you install this one...

This program runs good on a "clean machine"

Good luck..


on Aug 12, 2009

Hey guys, sorry been away for a while through major surgery so havent been on much but anyways. I just switched OS and systems and was wondering as i notice during re-install of all my things here from OD and SD i seen where the WB7 is out for us subscribers but i can not get it to install through impluse, nor find it. How can i do this ?? Also why didnt Tweat Vista come with it as it is A component of Object Desktop as it says right on site but.. It seems its showing as updates on my impulse but i can not update it as well as IP5

Plus WB7




on Aug 12, 2009

If you click on the blue orb at the top left corner in Impulse and check the box to show prerelease versions in preferances, you should see the beta versions if you are a current Object Desktop subscriber.

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